Wednesday, December 31, 2014

And a happy new year to you too!!

I’ve spent a good part of 2014 stating how I can’t wait to shake the dust off my feet once this year finally ends and with plenty of good reason I might add. But as hindsight is 20/20 and I am able to look back at 2014 with far more clarity than I had going into it.  For me 2014 was filled with new experiences.  On last New Year’s Eve I crashed a wedding with my best friend, enjoyed Haitian New Year’s traditions, and in general had a wonderful time with someone other than my immediate family.  It was the first year I spent away from my family.  I video chatted with my other half and sons and later I talked to my mother on the phone.  I actually missed her considering how tense our relationship had grown only a few weeks earlier.  Now I wonder if perhaps that New Year’s Eve was a blessing in disguise.  This will be my second New Year’s Eve without my mother.  In a way, not spending it with her again this year doesn’t seem to have affected me over much.  Or perhaps I’m speaking far too soon.  The night is young still. 

It’s nearly midnight where I am.  Well, at least an hour and a half more to go until midnight.  I missed my friend earlier and started thinking about my last New Year’s Eve.  It occurred to me then that as painful as 2014 was, it gave me a lot for which I’m grateful.  I am grateful that I am alive to see another year.  Three women I loved dearly did not make it to the end.  As difficult the losses were for me, I am still standing on my own two feet, barely at that.  

2014 showed me the depth of my strength.  I have taken hits after hits this year and now that the year is finally nearing the end, I am surprised to find myself still in ring, ready for the next round.  It has taught me to love the broken fractured version of me.  I have learned to tolerate my weakness and see in it strength that comes through endurance.  As I bit 2014 adieu, I am unafraid to look at the woman in the mirror.  In a way, I find that I even admire her.  There are no artifice about her.  She’s simply a woman who’s completely at ease in her own skin.  2014 made me realize that I am she and I am actually ok with that.  

As this year ends, I bid it farewell, like to an old friend or lover who is leaving my life for good.  As the poet said, “it is better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all.”  I have loved this year despite my best effort to hate it.  I must swallow the bitterness it has brought if I am to savor its many sweetness.  As I await the arrival of 2015, I find myself awaiting it with determination and resolve.  It is a new chapter still waiting to be written.  I am the author and the story this coming year will tell will be of my choosing.  

2014 was the year of pain, or agony.  It was the year of my birth, in a manner of speaking.  It was the year I lost my mother and discovered the woman in the grown up version of her daughter.  Maybe when she said she saw the change in me, she was finally seeing what I see now, who I have always been beneath the shadow of the girl I once knew.  I think maybe I finally grew up or as a Pastor once said, I became more myself.  

All I know is, 2015 is coming.  Not for nothing, I’m going to do it my way.  It’s time I stopped pretending that I ever did anything any way but mine.  An old dog doesn’t learn new tricks and you can tell yourself the same lie only so many times.  So it’s time to tell the truth.  I’m not changing.  I am me and this is the only version of myself I’m interest in being.  To quote the poet “love me or hate me, both are in my favor.  If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart.  If you hate me, I’ll always be on your mind.”  I can live with that.  

So thank you, 2014 for imparting a valuable lesson to me in self-love.  Just because I’m grateful for everything you’ve poured into my life, doesn’t mean I’m sorry to see you go.  From me to you, thanks for hanging in there with me this past year.  Here’s to hoping a prosperous and another happy New Year. 

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